Test Fleet

Rear-Admiral Hanly BIO

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Jessica Hanly started life out rough.  She was born in the poor area of London.  She until the age of 5 lived in the streets.  Then a family took her in.  She lived with them until the age of 15.  They both died in an accident.  She then got her own place and worked odd jobs until the age of 23.  She heard of starfleet, but didn't know what it was.  She looked it up and she was very interested. She went back to school to study the fields that she wantted to study.  She studied to become a medical officer.  That is what she really wantted. After three years of studying she took the entrance exam to starfleet academy and passed.  She was accepted and set to start the next academic year.  She stuided temporal mechanics and she was very good about it and she excelled in that subject.  Her major in the acedemy was science, obvaously and so she studied the stars and the formation of the Galaxy. Her first assignement was to a reasearch outpost on the lyn system.  She was very successful in discovering different forms of harnessing energy and making it useful for federation colonies.  She then was assigned as the science officer of the Orberth Class USS Alexander.  She was able to do what she really joined starfleet for, exploration.  She was promoted to LTJG after this assignement and she was transferred to the miranda class USS Tempest and was able to study various nebulas in deepth.  She really enjoyed being on the bridge and wantted to see what she could do to permenatly stay on the bridge. She served her time aboard the tempest and was transfred to Vulcan to study Vulcan science and after five years was promoted to full Lieutenant.  She was sent to starfleet acedemy to teach command officers the importance of a science officer.  She enjoyed being around command officers, hearing the stories they had and that she wantted to become one.  She applied for the transfer and they said that she needed to be a Lieutenant Commander, before she could be considered.  She then was assigned to the Consitution Class USS Lexington.  She was successful in finding and reavealing co-excisting timelines.  Starfleet was impressed.  The president herself made her a full Commander and put her in the command school.  She did very well.  She had to learn how to fly a ship and the importance of command.  She enjoyed it and was sent to the USS Exeter under the Command of Captian Anthony Bell.  The two got along very well, and she liked him as a CO.  They had several close calls together.  Captain Bell was promoted and Commander Hanly was made Captian of the Exeter. She then went on to teach at the Academy after teaching students what they needed for space she was promoted to Commodore and she commanded a fleet of three ships to pursure the Klingons back to Qronos, and to leave them alone.  She then assumed command of the USS Zues a curry class starship and she made supply runs for one year. The ship was assigned to the test fleet and under Admiral Bell's authority was made Rear-Admiral and the test fleet XO.   

The year is 2293.  The new Constellation Class starship exlperor are now ready for testing.  The first ship is the USS Constellation with the registry of NX-1974.  It is the first desgin with four warp nacelles. The new Avidyne engines are the desgins of the warp drive for this new design of starship.  The Constellation Class is capable of speeds up to Warp 9.5.   The test fleet has been assigned to test the ship and its capabilities.