Simon Ossian was always interested and loved engines. He was an Ensign on board the USS Faragut before the genreal
refit of starfleet vessels. He was a firend of LTJG James Kirk. The two of them got along very well. On
board the USS Farragut he made it to Lieutenant and transfered to the NX Class NX-04 the Phenoix starfleet command wantted
to preserve the vessel LT Ossian is an expert on the NX class engine design. He was able to save the vessel and put
it in a musuem and he stayed at the yard for three years and was made a LCDR and the chief engineer of the USS Slider a Miranda
class vessel and he taught the younger guys a thing or two about engines. After four years here he was sent to starfleet command
engeering school. He taught the future engeeriers of starfleet. He was then made a Commander and the chief engineer
of the Excelsior class USS Columbia he made it on the fastest ship in the fleet. Admiral Bell saw his impersive skills.
He recommended him to a promotion to Captain and made incharge of the Constellation class design board and he is Admiral Bell's
personnel engineer.