Test Fleet

Captain Matthew Woalken's BIO

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Captain Matthew Woalkan was lived on Mars with his three brothers.  His brothers were Nicholas, Mark, and John.  Mark became a doctor and moved to Earth and had a pacrtice that was very successful.  Matthew was a very crazy kid. He lite things on fire, and was very roudy in middle and high school.

The year is 2293.  The new Constellation Class starship exlperor are now ready for testing.  The first ship is the USS Constellation with the registry of NX-1974.  It is the first desgin with four warp nacelles. The new Avidyne engines are the desgins of the warp drive for this new design of starship.  The Constellation Class is capable of speeds up to Warp 9.5.   The test fleet has been assigned to test the ship and its capabilities.